Thursday, March 21, 2013

A Language for Love

It begins, from now until the next.  What we take with us is ours to choose, along the ever-present bridge into the passing away, for our most favorite of arts and logics.  By a posture adopted, through thoughts called attention, to the surfacing of a history's utterances, for others these all give light to our presence, to an individual glean.

We all have a wealth of words, yet they have no inherent worth.  So one may ask, where, then, is their power?  Their power lies between those looking to make something of them, the allowances they furnish, their interpretations. In a life filled with mixed signals, and cognitive dissonance, it is in our best interest to take into consideration others' interests.

When faithfully making a point of expressing those fires you wish to stoke, an understanding of understanding resonates, and this is where love finds its fuel.  Drawn like lines on a map are the wellsprings we give meaning.

A simple misunderstanding has the power to destroy the greatest of productions, bring with you only those feelings honored by growth and let them reap the fruits of a loved harvest.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Menagerie of Desire

"I'm a reflection of the community" -- Tupac Shakur

An approach:  There is a lot to be learned from an understanding of one's desires, and it may best to look to others for those commonalities; it's often said it's society that shapes an individual's desires, and I'd have to agree.  But all is not lost, because this is where you can find yourself, a clearer reflection of one's self.

So, if it is the case that society shapes our desires, how do we understand this imposition of interest, or, more importantly, ourselves?  These understandings are best given to us by the stories we know, and in particular those parts within which we tend to agree.

What literature grants us is a grand menagerie of desire, and this can also be extend to film and stage productions.  The greater our wealth of alternate images, the greater our possibility for a truer idea of self.

Friday, April 1, 2011

To Each Their Sexes

Waking from the desert's retreat,
in shoes still smelling new,
it goes unsaid that the latte's first sip
is an investment's favorite return.

Manually shifting, and problem solving,
the game's winning shot taken, the project's completion met.
Then, the bakery's smell awakes a midday's nap,
like dancing at the thought of presents.

Off from the waves' surf, through a shimmering air,
comes a grand vista captured,
set against a cool night's fire crackling.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Things Can Always Be Better

"A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge" -- Thomas Carlyle.

As the world:  A common concern is that if nature is perfect in itself, i.e., harmony's harmony, how does the idea of individual morality make any sense?  What role can a human conscience play in nature if it is already as it should be?  Do feelings, then, not mean anything?

Nature is growth.  What nature imparts to everything is not the idea that it is perfect, but, rather, just the opposite.  What nature gives us is the fundamental element of growth, as trees grow, so do people, so do water molecules.  We are instilled with the feeling that things can always be better.

The idea that things can always be better is both instinctive and eventually conscious, and it is up to every individual person to decide how he or she wishes to understand and use it; I have chosen love, the love I have for myself, the love I have for others, and, more importantly, the love I have for the future of love.