Sunday, March 27, 2011

Things Can Always Be Better

"A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge" -- Thomas Carlyle.

As the world:  A common concern is that if nature is perfect in itself, i.e., harmony's harmony, how does the idea of individual morality make any sense?  What role can a human conscience play in nature if it is already as it should be?  Do feelings, then, not mean anything?

Nature is growth.  What nature imparts to everything is not the idea that it is perfect, but, rather, just the opposite.  What nature gives us is the fundamental element of growth, as trees grow, so do people, so do water molecules.  We are instilled with the feeling that things can always be better.

The idea that things can always be better is both instinctive and eventually conscious, and it is up to every individual person to decide how he or she wishes to understand and use it; I have chosen love, the love I have for myself, the love I have for others, and, more importantly, the love I have for the future of love.

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